Hampshire Sheen Ti-Wax ( liming wax ) 195 g


Ti Wax is a variation of a traditional liming wax but contains Titanium Dioxide to add ultra bright highlights to open grained woods such as Oak and Ash.

After turning and sanding, and perhaps colouring, clean the grain with a brass brush (and sanding sealer, especially after colouring) and rub Ti Wax into the grain of the wood. Wait for it to dry, then buff off leaving the surface with a glorious shine and white grain patterns.

You can then lightly overcoat it with Hampshire Sheen original or high gloss for an even brighter, tougher finish.

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Ti Wax is a variation of a traditional liming wax but contains Titanium Dioxide to add ultra bright highlights to open grained woods such as Oak and Ash.

After turning and sanding, and perhaps colouring, clean the grain with a brass brush (and sanding sealer, especially after colouring) and rub Ti Wax into the grain of the wood. Wait for it to dry, then buff off leaving the surface with a glorious shine and white grain patterns.

You can then lightly overcoat it with Hampshire Sheen original or high gloss for an even brighter, tougher finish.

Provides a different finish than Hampshire sheen white.

Ti Wax est une variante d’une cire de chaulage traditionnelle mais contient du dioxyde de titane pour ajouter des reflets ultra brillants aux bois à grain ouvert tels que le chêne et le frêne.
Après tournage et ponçage, et peut-être coloration, nettoyez le grain avec une brosse en laiton (et un apprêt à poncer, surtout après la coloration) et frottez Ti Wax dans le grain du bois. Attendez qu’il sèche, puis polissez en laissant la surface avec un éclat glorieux et des motifs de grain blanc.
Vous pouvez ensuite le recouvrir légèrement de Hampshire Sheen original ou très brillant pour une finition encore plus brillante et plus résistante.
Fournit une finition différente de celle du blanc brillant Hampshire.

Additional information

Weight 135 g
Dimensions 100 × 100 × 40 mm


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